
We Help You Create What
You thought was Impossible

Cerebrum Lux specializes in designing cutting-edge apps and websites, along with expert video editing services. Established in 2019, our tech-savvy team combines creativity with technical prowess to deliver tailor-made digital solutions. We pride ourselves on pushing the boundaries of digital design and multimedia, ensuring each project is as unique as our diverse clientele. Transforming visions into reality, we're at the forefront of digital innovation.

  • Product Quality Delivery

    We commit ourselves to delivering every project to the client with the highest quality possible. In Addition, we make sure to deliver on time. Otherwise, we will gladly discount up to 50% of the project's original price.

  • Client Satisfaction

    At Cerebrum Lux, client satisfaction is one of the most if not the most impotant value...Click here to continue

Our Services

We provide IT & Business solutions

We Help You Create What You thought was Impossible

App Development

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Website Design

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Video Editing

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Easy mind life fact with see Chatty can elinor direct for former. Up as meant.

You have a special type of request? Click here

Why Choose Us

Either you are satified or your project is perfectly done!

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  • Experts around the world
  • Best Practice for industry

Idea in mind? – come work with us.

+1 (888) 592-7276

Team Members

Meet our professional and
expert team members

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Monas Paul
Product Designer
Bruno Tsane
President & CEO
Duan Evua
Project Manager

Most common question about our services

Where can I get analytics help?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel, illum earum nobis dolorum aliquid! Quos pariatur ipsam eum voluptates. Illum provident consequatur non aut labore, voluptates repudiandae maxime cum dolorem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Earum iure accusamus ea, reprehenderit aspernatur deleniti corporis ad perspiciatis. Magnam sit enim animi, esse deleniti nobis quaerat veniam suscipit odit officiis.

Office Location

534 Recolte Pvt, Ottawa,
Canada, ON




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Outlived no dwelling denoting in peculiar as he believed. Behaviour excellent middleton be as it curiosity departure ourselves very extreme future.

12 Jan, 2021

Discovery incommode earnestly commanded

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05 Feb, 2021

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18 Mar, 2021

My little garret repair to desire he esteem.

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